Meet Our Green Team Summit 2022 Individual Sponsors

Thank You to the Generous Sponsors Making our Green Team Summit Free for All Attendees.

Yellow Lady’s Slipper | $2,500 - $4,999


Marilyn Antonik

This sponsorship is in memory of my husband, Joe, a recycler and gardener extraordinaire! Thank you for all the amazing work you do at Faith in Place.

Karen and Bob Lewis

Wendy Paulson


Wood Orchid | $1,000 


Avijit Ghosh


Planet Earth

Ronald Meissen

Our planet, with its diverse, vibrant ecosystems and species, is unique in the universe. I dedicate my sponsorship to the precious web of life on Earth.

Mary and Marv Sauder

In memory of our parents, Earl &Glenna and Chris & Ida.

Rand Sparling

Ray Wilson


Swamp Buttercup | $500 


Janet and Michael Hanley

Tyler Kanczuzewski

Tyler loves nature!

Cece and Bruce Russell-Jayne

We work to mitigate the effects of Climate Change to create a more wholesome future. May we be known as the ancestors who cared enough to Stop Global Warming!


Blue Violet | $250 


Fran and Ramont Bell

In honor of Fran Bell.


Wild Hyacinth | $100 


Ancient Dragon Zen Gate

Joseph Bercovici

Pastor Terri J. Blomberg

Courtney Eccles

H. D. Gantzert

In honor of my dad, a farmer, who, by his hard work, taught me respect for God's Earth.

Susan Hanway

Heliene Houdek

Daniel Jares

Ginnie Judd

Gwendolyn V. Kirkland

Diane Koropchak

Monday Paxton Family

Mary Reetz

Take care of God's world; it’s all we've got!!

McLouis Robinet

Signed, Sealed, Delivered LLC

Dr. Ashlynn Stillwell

Anne Veldman

Gwendolyn Webb

Valerie Werner

Caroline Wooten